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We don't raise birds for meat, but when we're retiring a laying flock so selling stew hens. Pasture-raised, fed non-GMO, corn-free, soy-free, organic feed

Chicken (Stew Hens)

Stew hens from our retired laying flock. Sold whole and frozen. Stew hens are tougher and largely not suitable for...

Chicken Broth

Whole chickens boiled for hours with nothing but water. Unsalted. Made by BOTL Farm at a commercial kitchen.

Chicken Feet

These make a rich stock, especially when paired with heads + necks. Also good as treats for your furry companions....

Chicken Heads & Necks

Contains feathers and beaks. Excellent for making your own bone broth or stock. Good for dogs who eat raw. Most...

Chicken Gizzards

Washed, raw chicken gizzards.

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