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Mixed Berry Jam


Once upon a time, we thought we would grow plants. Turns out, growing plants is not one of our core strengths. We now leave it to the pros. However, we have very few exceptions. When we bought our house, we planted an edible hedge on the property line of perennial berries (are those the ones that comes back every year? We told you we aren’t great with plants). Turns out, this was an awesome decision and we high-five our previous selves for doing it. Every year we have an abundance of berries, of which we eat as many as we can and freeze the rest. Then, after berry season, we make an awesome multi-berry jam. The mix of berries changes a bit every year, but is usually predominantly raspberry and blackberry, with some cherry, blueberry, kiwi and strawberry.

We find it fun to leave the berry mix full-seeded, so we don’t strain out any of the seeds (okay, we do remove the cherry pits, that’s real weird to leave them in) so we’re left with a sweet, crunchy, great-on-biscuits jam!

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